
some projects that i have been up to lately is making some purses for some girls i know along with a checkbook cover. i love to sew but lately my machine is giving me fits! it has been a good machine for the last 7 years but it is just your basic "economical" machine. i have sewn my little heart out on that thing but i think the time has come to upgrade. i mean when you have cleaned and oiled it, replaced the needles several times and the tension is set the right way and it STILL won't sew, i think its time.  i have been looking at machines that have the embroidery capability because i like monograms and i think it would be useful for gifts and other things as well
*this bag was made using a BDU that belonged to a teenagers dad. she wanted to be able to sport something that reminded her of him. some of the items like the back pocket are sentimental pieces that she wanted to incorporate

*this bag was made for my niece who wanted to be reminded of her uncle. she loves zebra and teal and also has a little of a rock star edge.

*the checkbook cover was made for my SIL who loves brown and blue
what projects are you up to? 


  1. i love your purces. so very creative.
    I really think you should get a new machine that does all those great things you always want to do, but can't. Get it now! don't think about it, you will love it.
    Seriously it will be a great investment.

    Love ya Mom

  2. I hope you get your new machine soon. I have a brand new one (not with all the whistles, but then I don't really sew), but Daniel is not through putting it in my mom's cabinet. I love the purses & of course Kelsey loves hers. It is so special, but you know how she feels about uncle Adam and aunt Jemimah!


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