good things...

with all the craziness going on i needed some distraction. thank goodness i have a personal book fairy out there. i have recently read this book

i devoured this book. i am known to take forever and just nibble at a book but this one was so unbelievable i could not put it down. its a personal story about love, heartbreak, feelings, children and marriage. some of it was really hard to read but gut wrenching truthful.

i have also been reading this book
i am not super far into this but so far it is really interesting. its about a father and son who have cultural and generational differences and how they relate to each other.

i am also reading this book
this is the 2nd time reading this book which i own and it is such a good book on how men operate. it is by a christian women who is a researcher who wanted to get plain factual info about how men operate and relate to women, men and life. its really interesting to see the questions and info laid out through survey questions. its not a hard read nor is it long so its a great staple for ANY WOMEN to have in her book collection.

i have to say though that this book on CD
is, well brilliant. it was a bit strange at first. one because i am not used to books on CD and also because it starts out right away as a letter correspondence. but once i got used to format i was pleasantly surprised. it made me laugh, cry and think. all things a good book does. of course by the end of it i wanted to become british so i could talk with an accent. hubby didn't really get it when i was walking around the house saying "why Adam are you going to use the lift or go to the loo. i say that is a brilliant idea". another thing i did not expect was how much i liked having someone else's (a few someone's) voice talking to me all day. also this story feels so personal because of the letter format. trust me, if you like british speaking people, a heartfelt story line and a book that can go with you in the car (or even in book form) this is for you. i found this book on CD through my library. my love for libraries is a whole other post!

hope you find some good reads this coming fall to whisk you away or make you look at what is right in front of you. cheerio!


  1. I listened to Hotel on the Corner as well...the book gets better and better I promise!
    Yes, I love the accents! Right now I am listening too Heart & Soul by Maeve Binchey and it is all Irish and Polish accents.

  2. I love that you are enjoying reading and listening. Dad's love for the library has been a great gift.

  3. I read that book For Women Only. Very insightful!
    I need to get some good books on tape--I heard Jerusalem mention this on her blog too. Something different to do while craftin'!


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