cheese & corn- happy valentines day

Some people don't like them. Cheese and corn. Me on the other hand, I love cheese and corn. You know like that's so cheesy or that's so corny!
This life can sometimes be a little hard to handle. That's why I think cheese and corn are good for me. Unlike the negative effects the actual food that bares these names has on my waist line, the emotional and action related ones have a great effect. They make me happy everytime.

I'm married to someone who gives me cheese and corn and all other kinds of wonderful gifts so much of the time.
We don't do "V" day up big in our casa but it's still there in it's own special way. And really that's ok.
I get to spend my life with my Valentine, so I'm good. 

See cheese!

Here's hoping you had a good "v" day. Whether you are with a special someone or by yourself or with your kiddos as your valentines. I also hope you know The One True Love who will never run out of love for you. 1 John 4:19

Happy Monday!


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