Monday's hodge podge
today i am finally having semi coherent thoughts! yay! hey i can only hope for semi. it is me we are talking about!
last week was a total wash. i was very sick with the flu and sometimes not able to produce full or english sentences. i hate being sick. but i'm sure no one really likes it. i am not completely well, but on the mend. another yay!
so today i have a compilation of sorts to share. nothing really focused just bits and pieces of goings on.
i wish i could get paid to search Pinterest and read blogs. hubby has never understood how i can sit for hours in front of the computer reading blogs, searching craft/design ideas and editing photos. (if someone knows how to make money form this please let me know :) ) i don't know exactly how it happens. i realize this isn't the most productive use of time. believe me. but i just get so inspired and amazed at what people are doing and how they are using their talents or the funny things they say. i usually have to set some sort of time limit for myself or else the entire day has past and i never made it out of my yoga clothes or remotely thought about what's for dinner. i however don't know how i have done this for almost 5 years in the same rickety wooden chair i found dumpster diving thrifting? mental note: "new" chair needed.
after i started to feel a little better, but still not able to get out of bed, i needed something to do. even i can only sleep in bed for so long. shocker i know! so i started going through my bookmarks on the computer. all the blogs i had marked to be exact. i have a lot. like in the hundreds. but i started to notice that when i was going to some of them, they didn't have quite the same draw as they use to. this is not really their fault. i think it has more to do with where i'm at and what i'm interested in now. some of those were from back in the day of GE and i was so creatively deprived that i was thirsty for any type of creativity or sewing or decorating ideas. but now being in the US i can be a little more picky about what i want to look at and spend my time focusing on. there are still quite a few from when i started and i think that's awesome. they have stood the test of time. that's saying a lot. it was also neat to see how some of my favorites have evolved over time yet staying true to their style. encouraging.
i'm trying to focus. hard i know. i am really trying to hone in on what my brand means and where it should go. i have three sources of income that i work at. my photo biz, my crafty etsy shop and my Thirty-One direct sales company that i'm a consultant for. i love all these different avenues for different reasons. but recently i have been feeling the tug to get focused. not just in business but in many areas of my life. i'm kind of a waiter in once sense. "well i do that in this many years". "oh i'll think about that when this happens". " i'll do that project when i finally have my house". "this is just temporary. my real life starts when ___ is the situation" but that's not really realistic. we all have examples of how quickly life happens and how it's really not as long as we all think.
God says- "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matt. 6:34)
God also says- "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-15) only HE knows the future. so i'm trying to be in the NOW. focusing my brand and life in the way HE wants and not wasting time on things that don't really matter and using what i have, when i have it for HIS purposes-not mine. this is hard :)
lastly- does anyone have any good *modern* ideas for what to do with dries roses?? hubby gave me a beautiful set for V-day but i hate to throw them away. one because they are lovely but two because it seems like sucha waste of $$. i'm not one for keeping things so it has to be a good one. suggestions appreciated! *and no, Pinterest was no help :( *
happy ^ monday!
So Sorry you were sick. Hugs and kisses and lots & lots of love.