Thirty one days of thrifty goodness: a challenge!

Hi friends! How have you been?! Life has been a little busy here, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon!
So of course I thought it was a perfect time to join the Write31Days challenge! Haha!
So for the entire month of October I will be writing a blog post each day! Whaaaa?
You're thinking where did this come from? Why because you haven't seen me in a few..err... It's been a while ;-/ but that's exactly why I needed to do this!
And per usual I am making it under the wire. Today is day one and I'm writing this at 1143pm. Classic Jemimah!
For the entire month of October I will be sharing with you Thrifty Goodness: How to be a practical penny pincher, and why I love it!
I'm very excited about this challenge! When i started to think about all the things I wanted to share a theme emerged! I'll be sharing lots of tips, tricks, websites, practical things I do to save $$ from fashion to food to kiddo stuff. I *hope* to even do some periscopes! What what!!
So there you have it! I will be back tomorrow to continue this 31 day journey! I hope you will follow along!


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