thoughts on [my] mother's day

yesterday was mother's day and lots was said and made of the day, as it should be.
however every mother's day has a different meaning for me than for many others.

since i didn't carry lil man in me for 9months, and since i didn't push him into this world i have a different perspective on the day.
this in no way takes away from the love i have for this kid. in some ways it makes it sweeter! and in no way does this make him less ours than if i had carried him and had the stretch marks to prove it.

see when someone else gives birth to your child you are connected to that person forever.
that's not to say you have lunches with them on a weekly basis, although you might-it is 2016, but more that when my kid's birthday rolls around or when mothers day is celebrated i can't help but think of her.

her sacrifice.
her love in giving the child she bore a different life than she could.
the fact that i will always know what her face looked like as she brought lil man into the world.
these things, i believe, will stay with me for as long as i live.

i don't think i'll ever encounter our son's bio mom ever again, but forever, even if just in my mind and heart she will be a part of his story.
he would not be here without her.
i would not be able to celebrate the wonderful holiday of mother's day without her. i tear up just thinking about her now.

some might say why do i still think about her? or wasn't she awful and that's why she gave us lil man? or how could someone do that? don't they love their child?  or whatever reason people think others give children up for adoption.
all i know is what happened to us. our experience of becoming parents.

and i personally am so glad she still comes to mind on these days. i am so glad she chose to give us this gift. to sacrifice parts of herself so that we could love our little boy. whatever her reason, it REALLY. DOESN'T. MATTER!!

what a perfect reflection of what Christ does for us!!
HE gave His one and only Son for me, you, us. the unworthy. the unlovable. He sacrificed His child to give life to those who don't deserve it.

i'm not saying those who give children for adoption are equal to Jesus himself. i'm simply saying i choose to see Christ in all aspects of life. if i say i follow Him then i need to look for ways to be reminded of Him EVERY DAY.
i need to try and see the world the way He does. to see what i can do to declare and live His love in ever aspect of life.

so on this mother's day, and everyday, even in the chaos and mundane, the messes, the poopy diapers, the tantrums, the lack of sleep, the expenses, the laughter, the tight squeezes and the smile that melts my heart i will remember why i am here.

i will remember those who came to the mommy hood a little differently.
those who are mommas to the mommy less.
those who first carried their babies in their arms.
those who are waiting.
those who have stepped in when others wouldn't.
those who are too old, or too young, or too poor.
we are called to mother the motherless.
mothers are SO important in this life.

i am blessed because i have many that surround me, support me, show me love and how to love.
we need to be that for each other.
so lets step out and fill in the gaps because there are so many that need us! be a mother to the motherless.  be a friend to a mother. call your mother. think about adoption. and don't forget those who have made many of us mothers by the huge gift/s they give us!!

i celebrated this mother's day by a breakfast in bed from hubby, which was followed by lil man tackling me while trying to get my yogurt. plates and coffee flew everywhere so that was fun :) after i started the bedding in the laundry, we spent the afternoon at a junkers flea market across town and then to bass pro to look at the fish. back home we enjoyed naps and then lentil soup for dinner. after which i had to wash one of our dogs covered in poop :-/ and the floor covered in poop and lil man who had stepped in said poop!! Finally i snuggling lil man to sleep and crashed! a typical day in the mommy hood ;)

how was your mother's day?


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