july! hooray!

hey y'all! did you hear? it's JULY! one of my most favorite months of the year!

i know, it's blazing hot and muggy here in the south, the misquotes are trying to cover my body in bites, and the electric bill is hard to look at. BUT, it is still one of my favorite months.

to me July is quintessentially southern! and since we have moved back down south I am trying to take in all the lovely southerness around me!

July also holds many memories for me. 4th of July was one of the biggest holidays celebrated by my mothers side of the family growing up. and now with the patriarch of that family gone, it has a special place in my heart.

i have no idea if we will be doing anything super exciting here for the holiday this year, but i can't help but think back to the memories of swimming all day, eating enough watermelon to change the color of my shirt, watching fireworks and ending the day with homemade hand-chirrned ice cream. YUM!

so far this summer we have swam several times, played games indoors as a family, had several thunder storms, eaten a mess of fish at a fish fry, visited the farmers market for real homegrown Arkansas tomatoes, and introduced our son to lightening bugs. oh the joy!!

so far so good.

i hope this holiday treats you well and you take some time to dig in and enjoy all the messy goodness around you!



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